General Tips

Puff Pastry can be stored in the freezer in the original packaging for up to 6 months.

Remove only as many pastry sheets as you need. Wrap unused sheets in plastic wrap or foil and return to the freezer.

Puff Pastry can puff up to 8 times its original thickness. That means even a sheet rolled to a thin ¼-inch thickness will rise 2 inches

Helpful Puff Pastry tools: Rolling pin, pastry board, sharp knife and/or pizza wheel to cut dough, pastry brush, baking sheets or parchment paper.

If you don’t have a pastry brush, you can use the tip of a rolled-up paper towel or your fingertip to apply egg wash.

Puff Pastry should be eaten within a few hours of baking. Keep filled and prepared pastry in the fridge, covered in plastic wrap, until you’re ready to bake and serve.
